elevage berger allemand,vente chiot berger allemand la vallée des cattleyas

ABC du BA , le Berger Allemand n'est pas premier par hasard


Amicale du Berger Allemand Poil Long

The dysplasia is hereditary, the "C", the "D", the "E" are it?

1) Experts seem to agree on the main cause of the phenotype of hip dysplasia: a genetic and hereditary ligamentous hyper-laxity ...

2) Puppies are born with healthy but unfinished hips:

"The coxal bone or bone of the hip is composed of four distinct bones: ilium, ischium, pubis, and acetabular bone. They merge during the twelfth week after birth (3 months), forming the articular cavity (acetabulum) which receives the femoral head, thus creating the joint of the hip. These bone elements develop from centers of ossification that evolve during the growth of the animal. Conjugation cartilages can thus be seen on these two structures: the cartilages of conjugation of the acetabulum close at 6 to 7 months while the cartilage of the femoral head closes later, at around 10 months ... "

3) ) In France, the "effects ..." of this laxity are measured by radiography. Reading results in "A" (Normal), "B" (almost normal), "C" (Light Dysplasia), "D" (Middle Dysplasia), "E" (Severe Dysplasia)

If the pups are born with healthy hips, how come 12 months later, they have "joint anomalies"?
The experts explain that the hereditary part of this ligament laxity is relatively weak leaving the most important part of its phenotypic expression to excess in the environment (rapid growth, overweight, activity ....)

Would radios translate into (C, D, E) the effects that would be due to the environment?

I remember a remark made by Professor Genevois at a seminar at which I was sitting "enclosing your puppy from strongly dysplastic parents until the age of 6/8 months in a 1m / 1m cage and it will be A ... "(demonstrated by Riser)

Radiographic practice should also be considered. Apart from being interpreted (errare humanum est), some of us know that a bad positioning, a bad moment (heat) ... influence the results. 

There are other methods under "other constraints" that allow for early detection (of 16 weeks). A "normal" standard radiograph will not provide any assurance that this will still be the case at official age. Only a snapshot with anomalies can be interpreted

Do not misunderstand the purpose of this text. It does not advocate the abandonment of "dysplastic selection", although it is not required by the CCS to obtain the right to reproduce. Let us inquire about the appropriateness of the method chosen by the Breed Club to detect it .

STANDARD RADIOGRAPHIC EXAMINATION  (source JP Genevois) "In the young animal, standard radiography sometimes reveals a marked subluxation of the femoral heads, sometimes associated with bone deformities and / or signs of osteoarthritis The diagnosis of coxo-femoral dysplasia may be advanced, regardless of the age of the animal.If the standard radiography is normal, however, it is impossible to have a precise idea of the condition Of the hips, because the articular laxity is often masked on this type of plate, the more so since the dorsal acetabular edge is not yet completely ossified. Studies (ADAMS, JAAHA 1998 & ADAMS, Vat Radiol Ultrasound, 2000) show For example, 60% of animals considered normal between 16 and 20 weeks developed osteoarthritis at 12 months of age. Dysplastic animals are considered normal. The sensitivity of the process increases with age, but according to supporters of radiographs in forced position, remains imperfect, with nearly 20% false negatives at the age of 1 year ... "

Screening for the future: A genetic test:

Approximately 10 years ago, I met at a seminar on genetics, Mrs Catherine André, in charge of the canine genetics research center of the CNRS in Rennes. I quickly understood the interest in animal health and the selection of the marketing of a genetic test. One month after our meeting the protocol was available on my breeding site. Then on the friendly German shepherd friendly created in 2009. It is always available on the homepage of the 2 sites by clicking on the link  "il a besoin de vous". So yes, it is complex and difficult. But the problem is quite different. Their research needs blood samples of extremes in priority (A, D and E). The main figures as of November 28, 2016 are as follows:

 - Bernese Mountain Dog: first race in number in our database and information on dysplastic status: 1950 blood samples including 820 with known dysplastic status

 - Dogue de Bordeaux: second in information on the dysplastic status: 550 blood samples including 230 with known dysplastic status

 - For B.A, we have at our disposal only 99 knowledge of dysplastic status.

And yet it's free, either taken care of by the veterinarian for research or he sends his invoice to the CNRS.

Most of the elements mentioned above are sourced, for the sake of concision and clarity I did not wish to reference them, but I have them at your disposal here  

PS: PS: Professor Genevois is the official reader of screening images (hips and elbows) and expert of the appeals commission of the Société Centrale Canine and the Fédération Cynologique Internationale

I open the debate to those who wish to bring a positive contradiction, that is to say argued and healthy

The small provincial breeder


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